
Art Photography book production

curtain of light

I have started small run publishing of photographic art books, and late last year produced my first book, entitled 'Typologies I' the intention was to produce a series of typologies, an idea I may or may not run with. So the next book is tentatively entitled “ Art & Mathematics…” This is the current opening image from it, click it and you can visit flickr where I have a set dedicated to it's production, this is the main reason I use flickr, to create sets of digital images for later use… oh and to have a little fun too with my camera! I have in the past talked about work-flows and analogue, well I guess this is the equivalent of a proofing and editing process that used to be done with real physical prints, now I can sequence and organise my prints and get a rough idea how they sit together before even hitting Indesign™.

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