On Friday arvo, just gone, stumbled on some awesome flickr images made using a Holga Camera. I was inspired to go and get my own Holga camera, I also knew, that PIC, has at least one. So burrowing around in the store I found this one, with a Polaroid back, there was plenty of film as well, so back to my desk to practice and learn. I managed to blast through my 3 film packs by late Saturday morning, and produced this small piece as a consequence.
It seems that the only way to get a reasonable exposure is to wait for some decent quantity of light. Then when you do get it look out for the old light leak that Holga's are famous for. Looking back over the two days, I managed to pair two unrelated shots together and make this rather nice piece. I am now carrying a second camera with me this one is loaded with Kodak Portra 400 VC, so now, I'm back to using film for a while, not that I don't have a backlog of negs of various sizes and formats to scan and do something with? Don't worry the Nikon Coolpix 5400 is still running hot!Technorati Tags:-Holga 120sf,Polaroid,Film,Flickr,Photography
I don't have a friend who has a scanner you knows someone who actually makes art so I have to go to a commercial scanning business and open my purse to pay for the odd one or two items I need to post.. but I put some 35mm film through an Agfa Isolette in the eighties about the time that Bronica introduced their 35mm film back for the SQA square format camera
I'm looking to buy a Holga and also located in Melbourne. Where did you get yours?
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