
We're all pilgrims on the same journey-but some pilgrims have better road maps.

We're all pilgrims on the same journey-but some pilgrims have better road maps.

Well the process of proof printing is yet to begin, here's a worked scan, in the interim, of an image shot in the back streets of Carlton. A cursory look at the negs on a light-box and already I'm pretty impressed with the results.

One aspect of this way of working that I had completely forgotten about was the whole surprise factor when you pull a wet roll of film out of a tank and scratch your head and wonder where did I shoot this?

The magic of that moment of surprise and realisation is one to cherish that's for sure.

I have so far managed to scan a handful of shots, from the 13 rolls, more to come as I work them. Subject matter ranges from portraits to the abstract to my usual landscapes.

Just added a neat little piece of javascript that pulls an artistic quote from another website - enjoy!

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